Archive of Wordpress Blog
by Francis MASSEN, 2008 to 2024



2009_01_13    Blow my Bulb

2009_01_18    Rising CH4 = part of cyclical growth rate

2009_01_22    Western Europe warming much faster than expected… really

2009_01_29    Adaptation to climate change

2009_02_15    US Committee on Energy and Commerce

2009_03_5a    A conference on the psychology of climate change denial

2009_03_05b  Sulfur dioxide initiates global climate change

2009_03_24    EPA endangerment report leaked

2009_04_12    Climate Change and Malaria

2009_04_28    Marcel Thilmany +26Apr2009

2009_05_15    Le mythe CO2

2009_06_30    The Copenhagen Synthesis Report_ No, it ain’t so!

2009_08_17    Douglass_Knox_ Ocean heat content and Earth’s radiation imbalance

2009_09_13    The Merkel – Steinmeier TV “duell”

2009_09_19    BAMS_ State of the Climate 2008

2009_09_24    Albedo effects on radiative errors in temperature measurements

2009_09_26    UNEP Climate Change Science 2009 compendium

2009_10_15    Hearing on Climate Change at Luxembourg

2009_10_23    Economic Impacts of the Promotion of Renewable Energies

2009_11_01    Abdussamatov_ The Sun defines the Climate

2009_11_04    Klima2009 on-line conference

2009_12_06    ClimateGate

2009_12_08    Climate refugees

2009_12_20    Copenhagen cop15_ R.I.P.

2009_12_26    Cosmic rays and global warming