Archive of Wordpress Blog
by Francis MASSEN, 2008 to 2024



2013_01_01    2012 in review

2013_01_20    New BEST paper_ global DTR trend flat…as shown by meteoLCD!

2013_01_28    DTR in Luxembourg_ BEST, Findel and meteoLCD

2013_02_12    To blend or not to blend, that is the question!

2013_02_17    Bad wind, lower wind power, exploding costs!

2013_02_24    Brunnengräber report_ Klimaskeptiker in Deutschland

2013_03_13    Climate sensitivity, the definitive answer

2013_03_14    Latest numbers on Germany’s rush into coal and gas

2013_04_14    A short spectrum analysis of the RSS global temperature anomalies

2013_04_26    UVB increase by ozone layer thinning

2013_05_18    Mathiness and models_ the new astrology

2013_05_29    Energy Return on Energy Investment

2013_06_02    Quing-Bin LU_ Global warming since 1970 is caused by CFC’s

2013_06_16    The SALBY Hamburg conference_ phase lag between CO2 and temperature

2013_06_25    The SALBY Hamburg conference_ is CO2 the integral of temperature

2013_07_03    A new EEA report on bio-energy potential

2013_08_07    Ambient air radioactivity peaks due to radon washout

2013_08_19    Klima Angst article in Lëtzebuerger Land weekly

2013_08_26    The O’Dowd paper on aerosols and global warming.

2013_09_19    The dramatic decline in available wind power

2013_09_20    Decline in wind power_ the slump in capacity factors.

2013_10_26    German subsidies_ EEG 17 billion, research_education 13.7 billion !

2013_11_25    The winters they are cooling!

2013_12_31    2013 in review