Total Ozone Thickness 2025 new simplified version (dobson25.html)


click here for Google SHEETS file with Diekirch and Uccle data, with graphs


Look here: 1. Intercomparison between the ozone measurements of the Microtops II and those made by the Brewer instruments at the RMI at Uccle: 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011, previous years.
New: compare the 2024 TOC readings as published by Uccle on their website and meteoLCD measurements, Excel file here, irregular updates!
3. 3D plot of total ozone column for latitude region [45 to 50] from 1964 to 2007 and  maps of all of meteoLCD measurements (from WOUDC, many years missing!)
4. Older dobson files are in the data archive

other near-live or very recent total ozone data:
Thickness of the ozone layer at Uccle Measured by the Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) of Belgium; shows mean and variance of all data from 1971 on.
Click here for .xlsx file of same-day values of meteoLCD and Uccle's Website (irregular updates!)
Ozone Distribution (NH + SH) Global Ozone maps from NASA

The coordinates of DIEKIRCH are:
latitude = 49°52' North 
longitude = 6°10'
altitude = 218 m a.s.l.


The total thickness of the (stratospheric) ozone layer is measured at unspecified, irregular intervals using the handheld Microtops II sensor manufactured by Solar Light Company of Philadelphia. This instrument measures the thickness of the ozone layer by computing the ratios of UVB irradiances measured at three different wavelengths; the water vapour content of the atmosphere and the AOT (aerosol optical thickness) are also measured by the instrument.
The measurement results are given in DU (Dobson Unit). 100 DU correspond to a total thickness of 1 mm, if the ozone layer were at a standard atmospheric pressure of 1013.25 [HPa]. Common values are in the 250..350 DU range.

The previous years dobsonyy.html files and the Microtops measurement files can be found in the data area!


1. Starting 01-Apr-2021 a new calibration factor of 0.9466 is applied to #3012 measurements by Mike Zimmer. This new factor is the result of a comparison made from 08 to 23 March 2021. #3012 readings multiplied by this factor are given in blue.

2. Green DU's correspond to a new calibration factor of 0.9422 applied to #3012 measurements by Mike Zimmer starting 02Jun16 ! This new calibration factor has been found by a new comparison over several measurements made from March to July 2016.

Starting 15 Sep 2009, Microtops #5375 is back from calibration at Mauna Loa. Purple data correspond to the new calibrated readings. There is a big difference between the readings before and after calibration. For some time, measurements will be made with both Microtops, and a conclusion drawn thereafter.

Green ground ozone data should be considered unreliable!

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